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Soccer or Football: A Unique New Painting

Soccer or Football: A Unique New Painting

This painting titled "The Last Game" it's part of Collette's Old Ball series, where she felt the gorgeous convex round canvases by Fredrix just asked to become a tribute to a sports ball.

This gorgeous textured piece measures 508mm across, it's the perfect sized piece to display above furniture or between windows, in fact, anywhere you choose!

Why a soccer ball you ask? Or should I call it a football?

Either way, it's because the unique pattern of the ball and the convex canvas worked well together to create a gorgeous 3D effect; even though essentially it's still on a flat surface, it jumps right out at you.
Wow your friends while inspiring conversation when they see this in your home or office. It's an inspiring piece for that soccer/football-mad person and will bring many years of pleasure. Golden archival paints, gels and mediums were used to create this unique piece of art; make it your own and have a genuine piece of N.Z. art in your life.
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Round Soccorball painting in a room

This is a mockup of what it would look like in a room to get an idea of size. 

P.S On a side note I saw this picture of a dog who had chewed up a soccor ball and it made me laugh, I hope you think its amusing too!

dog wearing a soccer ball on his head

As much as my grandson thought a bright shiny new ball would be fantastic, I chose a cracked, dirty, lived-in look since it gave the ball more character. Check out the rest of the series by clicking on the image below.

cricket ball round painting titled winners ball by Collette Fergus

The series also includes a cricket ball named "The Winners Ball" Other ball artworks will be added soon. I'm happy to do commissions, so please don't hesitate to CONTACT US and we can discuss details if you think I should do a particular ball.

The Soccer Ball: A Journey Through History and Its Dual Names

Soccer, or football as it's known in most parts of the world, is a sport loved by millions. The soccer ball is central to this beautiful game, a simple yet crucial tool with a fascinating history. I

Let's explore the soccer ball's history, why it's known by two names, and what it's made of. I'll also sprinkle in some interesting tidbits.

Early Beginnings

The roots of soccer stretch back thousands of years. Ancient civilisations like the Egyptians, Greeks, and Chinese played ball games that resemble soccer. However, our story really starts in medieval Europe.

During the Middle Ages, soccer-like games were popular across Europe, and people used all sorts of improvised balls. These early "balls" were made from materials like animal bladders, leather, or even cloth stuffed with straw. They came in various shapes and sizes, making the game somewhat unpredictable.

Why "Football"?

The term "football" began to take shape in England during the early 19th century. England had many different football-like games, each with its own rules and local names. To bring order, the Football Association (FA) was formed in 1863 and established consistent rules, emphasising using feet to control and advance the ball.

The term "football" was born from this emphasis on using feet instead of hands (common in rugby-like variants). It became the standard name for the sport in England and later spread worldwide.

The American Exception

In the United States, "football" took on a different meaning. With its unique rules and style, American football became a separate sport in the late 19th century. To avoid confusion, Americans referred to the game with the round ball as "soccer," derived from "association football" (a nod to the Football Association).

This distinction explains why Americans say "soccer" while the rest of the world primarily uses "football."

The Soccer Ball's Evolution

As soccer's popularity soared, so did innovations in ball design. Early balls were made of leather, which made them heavy, water-absorbent, and prone to deformations during play.

The 20th century brought significant improvements. Traditional 18-panel leather balls were replaced with more durable materials like synthetic leather and rubber. The iconic 32-panel design, introduced in the 1970 World Cup, became the norm. This design enhanced aerodynamics and playability, making the ball more predictable and controllable.

Modern soccer balls are typically crafted from synthetic materials like polyurethane or thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU). These materials offer excellent durability, water resistance, and shape retention for a superior playing experience.

Fun Facts About Soccer Balls

  1. The Telstar: The Adidas Telstar, used in the 1970 World Cup, was the first ball with a 32-panel design. Its black-and-white pattern was designed for better visibility on black-and-white TVs.
  2. High-Tech Balls: Some modern soccer balls have microchips that track their movement, providing data on speed and spin during matches.
  3. FIFA Standards: FIFA, the sport's governing body, has strict rules about the weight, circumference, and pressure of official soccer balls used in competitions.
  4. Soccer Balls in Space: In 2008, a soccer ball was taken on the Space Shuttle Endeavour to be used in a microgravity environment for educational purposes.

At the end of the day, the soccer ball's journey reflects the evolution of a sport cherished worldwide. The soccer ball has come a long way from its humble beginnings to today's high-tech marvels. Its dual identity as "soccer" and "football" reflects the global diversity of the sport. With advancing technology, the future holds exciting possibilities for this iconic piece of sporting equipment.

This round painting is a tribute to the game and available for purchase. Please get in touch now if you would like to buy The Last Game or if you would like another unique ball painting created by Collette.

Posted: Sunday 26 December 2021


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