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In these unprecedented times, as the world grapples with the challenges posed by the covid pandemic, one thing has become painfully clear—our smiles are hidden behind masks. The simple act of sharing a warm, genuine smile has become a rarity, and the world feels strange, almost unfriendly. In response to this disconnection, I embarked on a creative endeavour, a series of paintings that seek to restore the power of a smile to our daily lives.
But why did I start with the last piece? Well, in social media, the order in which I plan to post this, the order will determine the sequence in which my artwork is revealed. I have designed a montage that will gradually unveil the entirety of the painting, capturing its true essence.
So, today, we begin with a kiss—a symbol of affection, love, and the yearning for connection. The grand finale, the full-sized artwork, will be unveiled at the end of this week, bringing the entire narrative to its captivating conclusion.
As I delve into the depths of memory, a song from the early 1980s resurfaces, resonating with profound meaning.
I vividly recall being a wide-eyed 14-year-old nursing an innocent crush on an older man. During one of those contemplative moments, gazing out the window at the majestic mountains as the sun gracefully set, the theme of unrequited love echoed in my mind. And, as if by some serendipitous orchestration, he drove past, waving gently in my direction. In that instant, my heart soared, and the power of timing and emotion merged into a lasting memory.
Now, through my art, I aim to capture and convey the significance of a smile. This universal language transcends barriers and brings light to the darkest of days.
These paintings are my humble attempt to add a touch of joy, a spark of happiness, and a reminder of the beauty beneath the masks we wear.
So join me on this journey as we navigate the complexities of our shared human experience, rediscovering the power of a smile and embracing the connections that bridge the gaps between us. Together, let us celebrate the resilience of the human spirit and find solace in the simple yet profound act of smiling.
Then, stay tuned for the finale, where the artwork will be unveiled.
In the words of the song that once touched my soul, "It Started with a Kiss"
Posted: Sunday 21 November 2021